viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019


If tomorrow a spaceship landed in the White House gardens before the target of thousands of smartphones, and the existence of extraterrestrial life was officially confirmed, it would be equally complex for us to explain the thousands of ufological incidents piled up by researchers in the last 7 decades. And the fact is that the UFO phenomenon presents several unknowns that are difficult to solve, even though we had on the table the certainty of extraterrestrial reality. Above all, because in their numerous appearances UFOs present aspects apparently irreconcilable with our science. Since they seem to be half physical and half psychic phenomena. As if they were manifesting in a blurred border between the real and the imaginary. And why do we say this? A multitude of reports illustrate the existence of, apparently, hundreds of alien races different in height, physical appearance, clothing, etc., in addition to a fleet of flying saucers of the most diverse and bizarre shapes and sizes. Not to mention an absurd and disconcerting behaviour shown on countless occasions by the elusive UFO crew who seem to be mad or have a great sense of humour. As if this intergalactic gibberish were not enough, ufologists have not been able to compose a global plot that can unite in a single and coherent story at least a dozen of these incidents. Not to mention the cases where extrasensory perceptions, telepathic contacts, strange dreams, paranormal phenomena, poltergeist, etc. are registered that completely blur our initial and simplistic perception of the question. It is as if the UFO phenomenon were restarted in each episode showing infinite and unpredictable variations of the same concept; alien visitation. But what are we dealing with? Are we dealing with extraterrestrial astronauts or, on the contrary, are we dealing with something else?
Dozens of researchers point out that the ufological paradigm has little or nothing to do with the hypothetical presence of aliens on our planet, and that the cases offer us a multitude of clues that indicate that the phenomenon has an extraordinary "psychological" component embedded in its bosom. And going deeper into this premise, the theory of distortion wants to go even further, dissecting the cases and trying to find hidden clues. And after a detailed analysis of hundreds of events, we have concluded that UFO appearances and close encounters are the product of an elaborate "psychic architecture" that arises as a consequence of the connection between an unknown external agent and the mind of witnesses. And as a result of this tuning, a three-dimensional image is "projected", indistinguishable from the reality that surrounds it, which contains all the elements described in a UFO encounter. Although we must be clear that most of this scenography would be constructed from the psychic material that the external agent extracts from the psyche of the observers (memories, hobbies, culture, etc.). Therefore, this would explain, from the outset, why most incidents are intangible and of ephemeral appearance, where the "occupants" and their "machines" leave no traces and can pass through the objects. UFO events are unpredictable beyond the basic skeleton that is recorded in almost all incidents; "something" will be seen in the sky, will land and from this "something" its occupants will descend. But little more can be anticipated, since the content of the experiences will be "aesthetically" different from one narrative to another, as the characters (humanoids, entities, occupants...) and objects (flying saucer, suits, pistols...) of the projection are transformed by the individual participation of each witness. So, as it is a projection "manufactured" at the very moment of the connection with the external agent, nothing that happened during an UFO experience obeys an empirical reality, nor does it have a physical continuity in our universe after the encounter has ended. In other words, the humanoids, the ship and the actions recorded in a ufological episode do not have a real existence, beyond their ephemeral presence during the projection before the witnesses. And, therefore, nothing reported will ever exactly repeat itself in another UFO event. Simply because nothing represented exists outside the "projection" created for the occasion. And in an upcoming UFO encounter, by changing the "source" (the witness) from which the main visual elements that make up the projection emerge, the experience is almost restarted from scratch.
The ufo researchers can only study the "during", since the "before" and "after" to the projection simply do not exist.  And it is because of this "psychic mechanism" that to date we have not been able to establish many solid conjectures about UFOs, since their action is spontaneous, not premeditated, and actually orchestrated, not by the phenomenon itself, but by the creativity of each witness who interacts with the external agent. Everything is "created" and "projected" at the very moment of the conjunction of the human psyche with this unknown detonator, from the aesthetics of the presumed aliens to their behaviour. In each ufological episode we witness the resumption of the concept of "extraterrestrial visitation" under the particular "optics" of each witness who modifies to infinity the internal skeleton that defines this paradigm (extraterrestrial ship and occupant).  And its markedly absurd component, baptized by the brilliant researcher Ignacio Darnaude as a "cosmic theatre", with actions and dialogues lacking in logic, would be the consequence of this shared mental creation in a process similar to the one reproduced during the stages of sleep. And they would have no other meaning beyond being products of an elaborate psychic process. Therefore, close encounters with UFOs are unpredictable phenomena. Therefore, it has been a crass error to analyze and compare the UFO casuistry as a whole, which clearly presents absurd and disconnected episodes, since the true meaning of these experiences can only be interpreted/decoded at an individual level, case by case, taking into account the unconscious influence of the witness in its conformation. Only by understanding that these are global experiences, but subjectivized by the active participation of the psyche of each witness, will we remove all mystery from these encounters.  The presence or non-presence of matter in incidents, which causes traces or quantifiable effects on the environment or people, would be determined by the capacity of each witness to "energize" his or her encounter so that parts of it were apparently real. In this way, understanding that observers participate very actively in those observed, as co-creators of the phenomenon, and that they are not mere spectators, it would be explained that, before the same elements put on stage, in some cases we find traces, footprints, burns, injuries, etc. and in others we do not. And what or who originates this phenomenon?
Regarding the origin of these manifestations, we can say that, over the centuries, under different labels, human beings have had various encounters with creatures, entities and unknown beings (daemons, angels, fairies, demons, monstrous creatures, etc.) that probably obey this same phenomenon, which has been modified over time. And this modification or evolution in its external appearance does not obey to a perfect camouflage of the phenomenon, but it is fruit of the own participation of the human being in its creation. Since it cannot be otherwise, all the apparitions, in their different contexts, are synchronic with the interests, advances and culture of the time. In the same way that the information obtained from these manifestations does not cease to be mere distortions of human concepts and ideas. The external agent serves as a perfect catalyst for our psyche to have sporadic "contacts" with another reality that escapes our ordinary senses. From those unexplored dimensions, which coexist with ours, the external agent would be trying through multiple and different contacts to communicate with human beings (individually) to show us dormant aspects of our consciousness, or perhaps just serve as a covert guide to a vast and unknown cognitive universe. But so far we are only perceiving the "interferences" caused by our uncontrolled immersion in this journey to the depths of the other side