miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020


UFOs, especially close encounters, seem to be, or rather behave as, an individual system of expression of an unknown cognitive dimension with a wide degree of contagion, as if it were some kind of virus. At least, this is how it behaved the UFO phenomenon during its peak in the last century, affecting certain and specific people and spreading rapidly throughout the world in an inexplicable way.
Although UFO apparitions are found virtually everywhere in the world, like many psychological pathologies that share common points among different patients but develop with different details, UFO experiences also develop in a personalized (subjective) way in each individual, as if they "adapted" first to the subject's environment and then to their own unique social and cultural factors but maintaining an internal structure with the same basic concepts.
If we analyze it from this point of view, UFOs would be the manifestation of a mainly psychic phenomenon that would need the interaction with individuals to show itself in our world. And how would it do that? Through three-dimensional "projections" indistinguishable from the reality that surrounds it, in the same way that throughout history human beings have spoken of other types of entities, beings, gods and creatures that have emerged from other "invisible worlds".
This does not mean, nor does it limit, that the means of expression of UFOs is exclusively in the "ethereal" realm of the psychic, that is, subjective and unquantifiable, but on the contrary, it would sometimes be capable of becoming tangible in our universe and provoking all kinds of physical repercussions (on the witnesses or the environment). But making it clear that the physical interaction of the phenomenon on our reality would be full of anomalies like those observed in UFO experiences, as well as remarkable spatial-temporal alterations.
From today's perspective we can look back and see that the manifestations of UFOs, at least as it was known and studied in the decades of the last century, developed and expanded as some kind of temporal contagion, and reduced to a large group of people, who experienced this type of experience, like their ancestors in different contexts and cultures, but under an updated prism, in this case, about the extraterrestrial visitation, a topic more in line with the times that the visit of angels, elves or other types of fabulous creatures. This is because this paradigm, whatever its origin and purpose, feeds back into their interactions with the witnesses themselves, to manifest itself before their eyes. We are before some kind of intelligent and immersive cognitive reality capable of elevating our understanding of the universe around us.


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