sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024



In my latest book, EXTERNAL AGENT, I continue to explore my particular worldview on close encounters with UFOs and their possible interpretation under the Distortion theory. For me, the testimonies of those who claim to have had close encounters and even interacted with the supposed occupants of these crafts are key to understanding the UFO phenomenon as a whole. What fascinates me most about these experiences are the unsettling similarities they share with ancient folklore chronicles that recount similar episodes of contact with impossible beings and creatures. These are the events we should be paying attention to. In my new book, I propose that these visions could be the result of an elaborate and extensive psychic interaction with unknown portions of our reality, demonstrating the correlation between what is observed and the observer. I believe that our minds may be reinterpreting these events through visual codes and behavioral patterns that are familiar to them, suggesting that our understanding of the phenomenon needs to expand beyond the simple images presented to us in these supposed extraterrestrial visitor scenarios.

I am convinced that these Fortean and supernatural encounters have always been present in human existence for centuries, but our cognitive attempts to comprehend them might alter the "original broadcast," giving birth to anomalous visions with content influenced by our cultural interference. One point I am interested in highlighting in this book is the evident aesthetic evolution of the UFO phenomenon, demonstrating that we are not dealing with static and repetitive apparitions. In EXTERNAL AGENT, I analyze how the technology observed in these encounters, especially during the 1950s to 1980s, seems outdated, out of sync, and even ridiculous compared to current human technology. This leads me to question whether we are truly dealing with extraterrestrial beings or, on the contrary, if these are parapsychic manifestations of an expanded reality that unfold in our environment using information from our psyche to compose extremely humanized aesthetics.

In the closest UFO experiences, those with the highest strangeness, there seems to be an interaction and active immersion on the part of the observers into a new reality that is created at the very moment of contact. Witnesses might be unconsciously participating in the gestation of the observed scene, elevating a sort of psychic architecture. It is very possible that what some witnesses experience during these encounters is an extrapolation of their own thoughts or prior beliefs. The study of UFOs presents several challenges, insurmountable up to now: the lack of consistent descriptions, a marked cultural factor, and the absolute lack of solid evidence. If we were to take all the accounts seriously, it would be statistically impossible to assume that we are being visited by such a large number of UFOs and such diverse occupants. Another section of the book is dedicated to the manifestations of the Santa Compaña. In Galicia, for example, these manifestations, which are supposed to come from the beyond, have a very specific aesthetic, related to deeply rooted local traditions. I wonder why these spirits would limit themselves to presenting this particular funeral procession in Galicia and not carry it to other places. Could they not do so? This perplexing aspect leads me to consider that the phenomena we study might require a kind of "human cultural transmission belt" for certain aesthetics to be repeated or extended in different parts of the world.

The concept of the "external agent" that I propose is related to the concepts of expanded reality, intelligence, and information. I believe that this agent has the ability to manifest to specific people at certain moments, influencing how we interpret and understand what we see. Over the years, I have observed that the experiences reported by people who have had encounters with UFOs or anomalous entities often reveal patterns and correlations beyond what was observed. These experiences can lead to profound changes in the witnesses' consciousness, an interest in knowledge or art, spiritual development, or even the emergence of extrasensory abilities. These changes cannot be easily explained by orthodox ufology, and I believe these mental repercussions are one of the most intriguing aspects of the UFO phenomenon. I compare this unknown external agent to a kind of universal Siri, capable of influencing our way of understanding reality and perhaps even providing important "psychological updates" for our better understanding of reality and ourselves.

If you want to know more, EXTERNAL AGENT is waiting for you.


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