domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2019


If the UFO close encounters are the product of an elaborate "psychic architecture" arising from the bowels of the human psyche in collaboration with an unknown external agent, we could argue that everything visualized in a UFO experience, even though it may have a physical reality, is a kind of "induced lucid dream", where everything manifested, occupants of the flying saucers included, does not have a real and independent existence after this phenomenon occurs/finalize.
This means that the conversations with the UFO crew and the actions of these entities are only psychic elaborations arising from the joint interaction between the external agent and the unconscious of the witness. And this clearly indicates that we are not subject to manifestations (beings, gods, angels, demons...) that you want to manipulate us, or inculcate some kind of belief. We are being victims of an ancestral paradigm related to human consciousness, where the cultural filter influences is what is observed. But not from the point of view that psychiatry or psychology wants to indicate to us.
And it is that this phenomenon associated with the human psyche that is manifested/expressed through a chimerical visual scenography where the "inhabitants" of this other reality are actually springs and psychic mechanisms, like the characters of our dreams, that show us the existence of a cognitive universe, which is as real and transcendent, as the "Cartesian" universe that surrounds us.
Probably the current frontiers of our cognitive understanding are delimited by our inquisitorial and mechanistic way of understanding reality. Beyond the concepts widely accepted by our science, there is another dimension that connects us directly with an ancestral universe, where symbolic, atavistic and archetypal language connects us with nature and our primordial being.
It is very likely that shamanic initiations, the folklore of many peoples, religions and myths are based and built upon sporadic contacts with this new reality, where human psychic capacities are revealed in their fullest extent.
The revelations from this new reality are carried by "emissaries" emerging from the human collectivity itself and expressed in the symbolic language of dreams and creativity. The "labels/definitions" of these "entities/emisaries" (extraterrestrials, elves, fairies, angels, etc.) are produced and arise from our own unconscious participation in the elaboration of a "bridge" that introduces us to this new cognitive reality.
And it is precisely in this "bridge" where the "mundis imaginalis" originates that can take us to a knowledge that surpasses our understanding, or we can remain stagnant, ecstatic, elaborating artificial myths created from these "visions". The external agent is an intelligent "spring", a mechanism of a cosmic consciousness (collective unconscious?), a "boatman" who wants to take us to the other side of the shore, where perhaps many secrets of our own existence await.
So the close encounters with UFOs and other anomalous manifestations with different entities and creatures, would be nothing but "noise" caused by our own consciousness, which clouded by numerous sociocultural/religious/philosophical stereotypes create products from our own fear of this new mental stage, making us create a whole rich mythology in fantastic and unknown beings. As if the interferences of our contacts were the last reality expressed by this new universe.
Because our psyche when faced with this paradigm, in this bridge, is able to build (with a high degree of imagery and creativity) a new "parallel reality" that seems real and unquestionable. Without knowing that the true cognitive reality that awaits us on the other side is much more profound, wise and natural than we imagine.


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