miércoles, 1 de enero de 2020

UFOS are a surreal expression of a superior cognitive reality

Surrealism began to develop in Paris in 1924 with the publication of the "Surrealist Manifesto" by André Breton, "who believed that the post-war historical situation demanded a new art that delved into the deepest depths of the human being in order to understand man as a whole.” Breton said that surrealism: "is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of association scorned until its appearance and on the free exercise of thought. It tends to destroy definitively all the remaining psychic mechanisms and to substitute them in the resolution of the main problems of life.”
The definition is clear: For the surrealists the work is born of pure automatism, that is to say, any form of expression in which the mind does not exercise any type of control. Surrealists try to capture by means of abstract or figurative symbolic forms the images of the deepest reality of the human being, the subconscious and the world of dreams. For which they use resources such as: animation of the inanimate, isolation of anatomical fragments, incongruent elements, metamorphosis, fantastic machines, relationships between nudes and machinery, evocation of chaos, representation of automatons, spasms and empty perspectives.
Hidden and forbidden thought will be a source of inspiration, in eroticism oneiric realities are discovered, and sex will be treated in an impudent way. They were also interested in the art of primitive peoples, the art of children and the insane. They will prefer long, ambiguous, mysterious titles, which means that the matter was more important than the realization itself.”
UFOs work in a similar way. It is some kind of higher expression of consciousness that has chosen a language that goes beyond the verbal and the everyday. The UFO phenomenon uses psychological springs of rupture with our ordinary reality to provoke a deeper look at the inside the human psyche. I am convinced that only the study of the existing relationship between the UFO paradigm and the psyche of the witnesses involved can lead us to the resolution of the enigma...


3 comentarios:

  1. Excellent post. I've had similar thoughts and would love to see this idea further expanded upon. Reading the writings of Bréton et. all one gets the sense that they weren't talking about art exclusively - they were talking about an actual super-reality that overlaps with ideas from ritual magic and Spiritualism...

    1. Aficionado Prodigiosus... Thanks for your comment, in this same blog you will find other post where this type of approach is developed...


    2. I plan to go through and read more of your work. Your book sounds wonderful as well! Thank you for all that you do and Happy New Year!
