viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020


Many UFO researchers have been so fascinated by the phenomenon that most of the more important details offered by the paradigm have gone unnoticed.
Very rarely have I read profound reflections on the strange behaviors shown by the occupants of the flying saucers that demonstrate that the paradigm is much more complex than the extraterrestrial hypothesis claims. Since the late 1940s, witnesses have described numerous disconcerting behaviors in our so-called space visitors. UFO crew members have been scary, curious, funny, evasive, talkative, violent, indifferent, rude, generous, terrifying and even absurd.
I believe few researchers have questioned how it is possible that alleged aliens can repeat over and over again such a variety of behaviors in their landings as if in each case these actions were restarted again, since they are never developed but simply outlined. Let me explain.
We have dozens of incidents where UFO occupants are frightened by the human presence, but in the same way we have the same amount of reports that tell us about entities that want to come into contact with human beings in a friendly way. And with this same premise we can exchange all the behaviors, from the violent to the curious among all the occupants.
And the right question would be, why do we find this diversity of behavior repeating itself, as if trapped in an infinite loop, in entities, beings, creatures and humanoids of different and similar aspect?
There is no clear description that shows or points unequivocally that a certain type of UFO occupant has a certain or defined behavior. On the contrary, the occupants of UFOs may show, in a random way, as if it were a roulette wheel, since the aspect of the occupants really does not influence at all their action or behavior towards the witnesses.
Enthusiasts of the extraterrestrial hypothesis would argue that the answer to all these questions is very simple; we are facing different civilizations that behave differently towards human beings, but, as I have indicated, the incidents point out that any type of UFO occupant can behave very differently according to the occasion or rather according to the witness.
But for our study the most interesting thing is to decipher why a presumed extraterrestrial would show himself surprised in the presence of a witness after landing hundreds of times?
Why does he repeat his amazement in the presence of a human being in the surroundings of a UFO? And similarly, how many times would he need to repair his flying saucer in front of a witness? How many ground samples does he need to collect? How many glasses of water does he need to drink to quench his thirst? How many times would these "scientific" aliens need to perform a medical exam on a human? Why would a suspected alien stay static at the side of a road while the witness drives by? Why do all these actions repeat themselves over and over again? Why haven't the occupants of UFOs evolved over time in their behavior and relationship to humans, only repeating certain behavioral patterns? Why do the occupants after hundreds, perhaps thousands of landings, keep repeating these same behavioral-like mantras?
We have not observed a substantial difference in content between the reports of the 1950s and those collected in the 1990s, as if the narrative content of these reports were stagnant, or developed only on certain cultural and social patterns; even abductions are repetitive and reiterative using the same simple concepts, whether in the bedroom or any other location.
The reiteration of all these actions and behaviors would indicate, in my view, that the UFO paradigm, whatever its origin, is manifesting itself in our environment using psychic information extracted from the unconscious of the witnesses. And that probably this interaction between the phenomenon and the witnesses is what determines (chooses) the presence of a certain behavior on the part of the beings who crew the UFOs.
It must be made clear, and this is very important, that all the behaviors performed by these beings are perfectly recognizable by the witnesses, since even the occupants of the flying saucers, gesticulate with their hands and faces in the same way we do, showing surprise, anger, curiosity, joy, sadness, interest, et cetera. How is this possible?
This may be due to three basic possibilities:

1.  Extraterrestrials use an identical gesticulation to ours on their home planets.
2. The extraterrestrials have learned our gesticulation.
3. The phenomenon is using human resources in its manifestations to express itself in a certain way.

If we had to make some kind of comparison with something known to us, without a doubt, we would compare the beings in close encounters with UFOs with the nebulous characters that appear in our dreams who transfer some type of message.
The UFO crew seems to be involved in a kind of "dramatization" of human concepts incorporated into a supposedly extraterrestrial setting. 
Therefore, it is clear that the phenomenon that is manifesting itself to us is using human resources, both visually and narratively, to present itself to our eyes as visitors from outer space, when what we are probably witnessing is a gigantic psychic architecture that is created at the very moment that contact is made, the connection between the phenomenon and the witnesses.
And by producing an anomalous manifestation where creativity and spontaneity take precedence over many other factors, it is very likely that the incidents will restart under the same plotline – alien encounters, as most witnesses, while interacting with the phenomenon individually and privately, are inclined by the cultural milieu to seeing such encounters as a kind of extraterrestrial interaction.
The personal psyche of the individuals will determine, by different circumstances and conditionings, that the occupants of the UFOs will be elusive, curious, dialogical, violent or frightening because of a psychic mechanism that is similar to the one that produces the apparently independent and unique behaviors of the characters of our dreams. It is a form of involuntary interaction that takes place at the same moment that the encounter with something unknown is experienced.
There is nothing more behind these behaviors than a reiteration of the same patterns of behavior, over again and again, attributable to human participation in the elaboration, in an unconscious way, of the phenomenology that they are witnessing and which has been established as a scenario that is a meme in human society.
The scene is presented before the eyes of the witnesses as an immersive psychic/physical projection that is practically indistinguishable from the reality that surrounds it. But after the conclusion of the UFO encounter, nothing of the experience remains in this or any other universe, since the experiences have an expiration date the very moment they begin.