martes, 4 de junio de 2024



  1. The Distortion Theory (DT) seeks to understand close encounters with UFOs from a primarily sociocultural perspective, not as extraterrestrial phenomena.
  2. DT posits that UFO encounters are highly subjective experiences related to other supernatural visions throughout history.
  3. Information in UFO encounters arises from the interaction between the witness and the phenomenon.
  4. UFO encounters are constructed like a virtual reality, similar to dreams, where the witness's mind plays a crucial role in shaping the experience.
  5. The belief in extraterrestrial visits quickly spread after Kenneth Arnold's sighting in 1947, merging the old with the modern.
  6. Even if direct contact with extraterrestrials occurred, it would not solve the mysteries of past UFO sightings.
  7. UFO experiences could be manifestations of our mind exploring a reality beyond perception, suggesting an unknown universe and answers about our existence.


A. The Distortion Theory (DT) proposes that UFO encounters are influenced by the interaction between the witness and the observed phenomenon. By carefully examining the witness, including their interests, profession, personality, and environment, we can predict certain elements that will be reflected in their account of the experience. For example, an enthusiast of Egyptian culture might describe a pyramid-shaped UFO with hieroglyphs, while a cautious person might recount a less close and more terrifying encounter.

B. The observer's personality also influences the interaction with the presumed UFO occupants. More curious or brave individuals might experience greater interaction with the beings, while more fearful ones might not clearly see the UFO occupants.

C. Conversely, the analysis of the experience itself reveals information about the witness. Details like the shape of the UFO, the behavior of the UFO occupants, and the elements described by the witness can provide clues about their profile. For instance, a witness describing a helicopter-shaped UFO with military-looking occupants might have some connection to the military.

D. Recurrent narrative and aesthetic patterns are observed in UFO sighting cases. For example, it is common for children, police officers, military personnel, and firearm enthusiasts to report encounters where UFO occupants carry objects resembling weapons. Additionally, there have been cases where UFO occupants have appearances related to famous brands, like the Michelin Man in France.

In summary, DT suggests that UFO encounters result from the interaction between the observer and the observed phenomenon, and that both the witness's personality and the experience itself provide valuable information for understanding these incidents.


  1. UFOs are ultimately a psychodimensional phenomenon that interacts with our physical environment, influenced by our unconscious participation.

In summary, close encounters with UFOs are not isolated episodes of a grand narrative about an extraterrestrial civilization. Instead, they represent a continuous rebirth of the same ideographic/archetypal scheme, where each witness contributes narrative and aesthetic elements from their unconscious participation along with an external agent. This phenomenon manifests outside our usual space-time reference frame and seems to operate in a reality different from ours.

If we consider this as a creative psychic process, we could understand why the UFO paradigm behaves chaotically and shows infinite variations. The experiences contain cultural components inserted by the witnesses, suggesting that the entities associated with the phenomenon are psychic creations influenced by human participation.

Although the UFO paradigm may manifest in our environment in an apparently physical way, its narrative and aesthetic continuity is scarce, as it arises at the moment of contact between the external agent and the witnesses' psyche. These experiences are individual in nature, and their true purpose might be far from conventional interpretations of extraterrestrial visitors, serving instead as vehicles to understand an expanded cognitive reality that we do not yet comprehend.


Based on the provided text, the "external agent" could be defined as an entity or force that interacts with the human psyche and manifests in the form of experiences related to close encounters with UFOs. This external agent seems responsible for the creation and modulation of these experiences, influencing both the narrative and the aesthetic aspects of the encounters.

Although a detailed description of this external agent is not provided, it is suggested that it acts as a catalyst allowing individuals to access unknown portions of reality, possibly other dimensions. It is also mentioned that this agent could be linked to the collective unconscious of humanity, with ancient paradigms being reactivated and influenced by human imagination.

In summary, the external agent appears to be a mysterious and elusive force operating beyond our conventional understanding, manifesting as UFO experiences and challenging our conceptions of reality.

  1. Witness-Phenomenon Interaction: Emphasizes the relationship between the observer and the observed in close encounters with UFOs, suggesting that the experience is shaped partly by the witness's psyche and partly by an external agent. This interaction influences both the aesthetics and the narrative of the encounters, indicating that each experience is unique and reflects the unconscious participation of the observer.
  2. Nature of the UFO Phenomenon: Proposes that the UFO phenomenon is complex and elusive, manifesting in a multidimensional manner and defying conventional explanations. It suggests that it goes beyond mere extraterrestrial visits, being a psychodimensional phenomenon that interacts with our reality in ways not yet understood.
  3. Continuity and Mutability of the Phenomenon: Highlights the lack of narrative and aesthetic continuity in UFO encounters, suggesting that each experience is a restart of the phenomenon. This implies that there is no predefined pattern or coherent structure in UFO experiences, reflecting their psychic nature and the witness's influence over what the external agent wants to show.


According to the analyzed texts, it seems that both the external agent and the witness significantly influence the composition of the UFO scenario. The external agent seems to serve as a catalyst or facilitator for the witness's psyche to access unknown aspects of reality, contributing to the formation of the UFO experience. On the other hand, the witness brings conscious and unconscious elements, such as their beliefs, previous experiences, personality, and cultural context, which shape the aesthetics and narrative of the encounter. Both elements interact in a complex and dynamic way, contributing to the diversity and mutability of UFO encounters.

Based on the provided information and interpretation of the texts, the external agent could be conceived as a force or entity acting as a mediator between the human mind and an unknown or expanded reality. This entity seems to have the ability to influence individuals' perception and experience, allowing them to access dimensions or aspects of reality beyond their usual comprehension. It could be similar to what is described in psychodynamic theory, where the unconscious mind interacts with external forces or influences to create perceptual experiences.

In summary, the external agent could be a manifestation of the human mind that facilitates interaction with dimensions or realities beyond our conventional understanding, acting as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, the known and the unknown.



Jose Antonio Caravaca, one of the most prominent ufologists of today, presents a new book dedicated to the Distortion Theory, a thesis that, since 2019, has sparked a vigorous debate within the international ufological community. Following the success of "Distortion" (2019) and "In the Mind of UFOs" (2022), comes "External Agent," a remarkable work that aims to shed light on the origin and purpose of an ancient and perplexing phenomenon that is likely the source of many folklores and myths recorded throughout the centuries. This book discusses the existence of mysterious beings and entities that emerge from unknown places of origin. Interestingly, since the mid-20th century, strange ships have appeared in our skies, seemingly coming from deep space. These manifestations, which soon established unsettling connections with ancient supernatural chronicles, bewildered scholars by appearing to be a technological update of these old tales. All of this has complicated the UFO matter in an unexpected way, blending the ancient with the modern and the supernatural with the scientific.

In "External Agent," readers will find a comprehensive analysis of over 70 years of ufological theorization, meticulously examining the most interesting and bold hypotheses proposed to explain these manifestations from various and opposing perspectives. Additionally, Caravaca delves into all the new contributions offered in recent years, addressing key questions that have intrigued researchers for decades: Are UFOs extraterrestrial visitors? Entities from other dimensions? Products of a simulated reality? Ultraterrestrial beings? Time travelers? Solidified thoughts? A projection of the collective unconscious? Unknown stratospheric animals? A control system? Emissaries from the shamanic universe? Intelligent fragments of our own reality?

"External Agent" is a work that builds suggestive bridges to unexpected territories to comprehend the true dimension of close encounters with UFOs. Caravaca suggests that folklore, Fortean apparitions, and strange supernatural visions throughout time seem to be connected with flying saucers in a hidden plot where our psyche is the common vehicle. Even the sinister Santa Compaña, a procession of lost souls from Galician folklore, is included in this analysis, suggesting that these phenomena might be different manifestations of the same mysterious source that the author calls the EXTERNAL AGENT. This book invites readers to question conventions and explore possibilities beyond the obvious, offering an innovative and multidimensional perspective on the UFO phenomenon and its implications for our understanding of reality. Caravaca not only considers classical theories but also incorporates the most recent and avant-garde ideas, highlighting how advances in technology and science can influence our perception and understanding of these phenomena. Through a rigorous examination of historical and contemporary cases, "External Agent" explores how encounters with UFOs and other mysterious entities have influenced various cultures and societies over time. Caravaca argues that these phenomena have been a constant in human history, adapting to the cultural and technological contexts of each era, suggesting an intelligence behind these manifestations that interacts with the human psyche in complex and multifaceted ways.

Moreover, Caravaca examines the possible relationship between UFOs and shamanic experiences, suggesting that these encounters might be related to altered states of consciousness and the perception of non-ordinary realities. By exploring these connections, "External Agent" opens new avenues of research that could revolutionize our understanding of UFOs and their place in the cosmos. Ultimately, "External Agent" is essential reading for anyone interested in the UFO phenomenon and the deeper implications it may have for humanity. With an integrative approach and an open mind, Caravaca offers a work that challenges our perceptions and invites us to reconsider what we believe we know about the nature of reality and the mysteries that remain unresolved in the form of visions of strange and perplexing life forms.

