sábado, 6 de julio de 2019


The distortion theory defines that UFOs close encounters are produced by a psychic interaction, between an unknown external agent and the witnesses, that projects a three-dimensional image of a supposed UFO landing with its occupants. Many people and enthusiasts ask if this paradigm could explain the physical traces and traces we find in some ufological events.
If we analyze the casuistry we can easily see that one of the most curious aspects of UFO landings is that regardless of the harshness of the ground to facilitate the landing gear footprints or the marks of the occupants' footprints, in some incidents they are registered and in others they are not, without there appearing to be any kind of logical explanation for it. Therefore, the presence of traces and tracks after the landing of a UFO must be due to more complex causes than the presence of the phenomenon on the ground. Otherwise, in cases with similar terrain and UFO of the same size, we should always find marks. But this does not happen.
But if we were in front of some kind of projection, we could understand a number of strange things associated with UFOs close encounters:
1.- UFOs can move or pass through vegetation or high voltage cables without producing noise, impact or breakage.
 2.- The appearance of debris, burnt areas or areas affected in different ways by the landing of a flying saucer in some cases and not in others, despite the fact that the same conditioning factors are at play.
 3.- That the number of traces found in the field is insufficient or inexplicable for the phenomenon observed. For example, that only an appearance of a few footprints of the occupants appear in the area, or that there are no traces of some of the actions of artifacts, burns, etc.
 4.- The immateriality presented in many cases by humanoids; i.e., able to pass through walls or fences without problems.
5.- The general silence of many experiences.
6.- That UFOs appear or disappear at will in an instant without apparent displacement. In addition, UFOs or their occupants, together or separately, often simply appear in a certain place and then vanish into thin air, neither flying, landing, nor taking off, as such.
The distortion theory indicates that many of the projections created by the "external agent", in conjunction with the psyche of the witnesses, may contain matter and leave a trail behind them. Or simply being "physical" at some moments of the experience. This depends exclusively on the "potential" of each witness that he imprints on the projection of the external agent certain "psychic energy" that makes it possible for the elements represented in the "images" to have corporeality, and to interact with them and even visit with the alien inside the spacecraft.
If we analyze the variations that UFO cases present in all their aspects (visual aspect, physical effects, messages, etc.), we will verify that the only element that really varies always in this equation is the witness. It always changes. It's always different from one event to another. However, the anomalous detonating factor is the same in all the episodes, the external agent, so that it is quite possible that the participation of certain witnesses may, at times, among other things, decree the presence of "electromagnetic interference", "footprints", "catastrophic" messages, etc. And this is a fundamental key to our study, the witness is the drop of colour that changes the tonality of the water. Otherwise the homogeneity of UFO episodes would be greater and there would be an easy-to-follow global framework. Therefore, this approach would demonstrate that behind many effects recorded in the close encounters would be the interaction of the witness himself with the paradigm and not the influence or direct will of the phenomenon itself.
It must be borne in mind that this projection is indistinguishable from reality and for the witness it is synonymous with being something real and tangible. In addition, this image created by the external agent can be observed by more people and behaves as if a spacecraft has actually landed and its occupants have a life of their own.
But if we look closely at the physical evidence we find in the UFO incidents, we will see that they take on a radically different meaning from that expressed by the proponents of the extraterrestrial Hypothesis. The alleged physical traces left on the ground after a UFO landing are still "distortions" of concepts that are perfectly recognizable to the witnesses or the investigators themselves, even before these have occurred: footprints, crushed grass, burns, metallic remains, holes in the ground, "oil" stains, radioactivity, springs, metallic remains. Are alien spacecraft a flying sloppy job? Is this logical? But we can still ask ourselves more uncomfortable questions.... Why haven't we found any other kind of evidence, difficult to classify in our mental or scientific parameters? For example, why has no flying saucer in its take-off phase transformed the surroundings to a bluish hue, including trees, soil and grass? If we are faced with a technology almost unimaginable by our science, when interacting in our atmosphere, perhaps these "ships" could cause all kinds of effects, from "transmuting" stones into diamonds, to rain in a desert place...
But none of this has been given simply for a reason. Because no one has "imagined" it as a "logical" and "probable" thing to be produced after a flying saucer has landed. And since this information does not tacitly exist in the unconscious knowledge of witnesses, the external agent cannot represent it in its ephemeral projection. Since we must not forget that the image that is transmitted tries to simulate a supposed extraterrestrial visitation, but always, as we suppose it, under purely human concepts.
But, on the other hand, witnesses and investigators do see "logical" (and it takes on the appearance of great absurdity and "theatre") for UFOs to leave behind a common oil slick or to drop a spring or a couple of screws. Therefore, as the Theory of Distortion postulates, nothing that is presented before the eyes of possible witnesses is totally unknown to them.
Just as a man of the Middle Ages would never have thought that a means of transport would cause smoke, flames or explosions. So it is "sensible" and "conceivable" from our current viewpoint that an alien spacecraft, even if it is able to cross amazing star distances in fractions of a second or comes from an unknown parallel universe, must have, things like, a "exhaust pipe" or burn the vegetation and cause radioactivity. And so, in this simple and forceful way, the external agent provides the observers and eventual investigators with all the "material" that they themselves expect to find after the landing of an alien spacecraft.


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