domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020


Traditional ufology believes that UFO events are caused by devices and beings from remote inhabited worlds visiting Earth on scientific or other exploration missions. That sooner or later these facts will be in the public domain and that world society will accept the existence of intelligent life outside our planet without major setbacks.
But we've been here for over 70 years and the situation hasn't changed. In fact, it could be said that we are stuck at the same point going round and round without stopping. And although the possible official cover-up, with all its tricks, of these experiences would have resulted in a slowdown of public knowledge, it is obvious that there are many more factors that have made it impossible for knowledge of a UFO reality to become an unquestionable reality for a generality of public opinion.
And the fact is that the analysis of the close encounters showed, almost from the beginning, that UFO incidents have a much greater complexity than we had anticipated. Because UFOs did not behave like an ordinary phenomenon, foreseeable or fit into our usual scientific parameters.
The study of hundreds of incidents of UFOs that occurred all over the world showed that the encounters were very different from each other, and above all, to the great dismay of the researchers, they lacked common sense, approaching more to experiences linked to mental disorders than to possible events of interstellar visits. If the ufological paradigm had not had physical parts and its repercussion had not been worldwide, almost like a pandemic, it is very probable that, nowadays, almost nobody would remember UFOs.
However, it seems clear that UFOs, beyond being a real event, obey a paradigm of cognitive order, where it seems to be demonstrated that what is observed is close with the observer. In such a way that, although we are in the presence of a "real" phenomenon, and sometimes of a physical nature (with all that this entails), the presence of witnesses forcefully determines much of the content of the experiences, both visually and narratively, as if UFO encounters were complex "psychic" elaborations elaborated in conjunction with an unknown external agent, which manifests itself in our everyday environment, as if all its elements were really present, as if "dreams" could break out of their strict barriers of human imagery to manifest physically in our reality.
It is therefore appropriate to ask whether close encounters with UFOs, and all the complex experiences manifested by UFOs, as opposed to distant sightings, occur in some other way or under other different parameters.
I believe that the accounts of encounters with entities and beings associated with UFOs, although they belong to the same paradigm as the observation of objects in the distance, take place in a different context, much more intimate and more open to a subjective interpretation of what has been observed, as if the approximation of the phenomenon was related to certain altered states of consciousness (which could provoke the paradigm itself) so that these events move from our ordinary reality to a border with another universe or expanded reality where perhaps paraphysical and paranormal phenomena intermingle with the habitual ones of our dimension producing experiences of high strangeness.
If this is so, it is very possible that obtaining empirical evidence would be much more complicated and diffuse, since in this new "scenario" we would not be under the usual parameters of our daily reality, and everything would be radically different. Even our conscience, if we were not aware of it, would be out of its usual limits and would be in disposition to enable certain "asleep" capacities adding new aspects to the experience.
But the thing would be even more complex, since the experiences observed would be the product of a feedback of information between the witness and the paradigm in such a way that each individual would be reinitiating the UFO concept (extraterrestrial visitation) in each new encounter, offering variants to each of its elements, since their own participation would make the UFO scenario (visual/narrative) recreated in a "personalized" way on each occasion, taking into account the cultural and social factor of each witness that would undoubtedly provide personal elements never before registered  in another incident. 
But the key question for our study would be the following: is UFO scenography a "cultural/social/ideological" concept added to the paradigm by human participation or are the artifacts and entities observed in encounters with UFOs really part of the phenomenon itself?
Personally I believe that what we are studying is the result of a complex psychic conjunction between our daily reality and an expanded reality, which at times and due to unknown factors, is capable of manifesting itself in our universe using the human psyche. And although I am sure that this is a paradigm of cognitive origin, it is very probable that its development and execution is not only limited to the intangible universe of thoughts, but on the contrary it is capable of crossing the psychic barrier to show itself in our closest environment, even to manifest itself in a tangible and solid way. And it must be taken into account that these manifestations are complex "psychic architectures" formed and elaborated from human decoding, which, due to its non-voluntary participation, exerts a modification/distortion of the observed, which evidently prevents the correct reception of the true content of the message that this unknown cognitive reality is offering us.
Therefore, the entities and artifacts observed in these experiences could only be a vehicle for the expression of a much deeper and more complex message that we do not understand, and that "disguises itself" before our presence imbued by our own involuntary cultural and unpredictable interference.


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